Hey everyone!!! I hope you all had a great week :) These past seven day have been GLORIOUS!
So Tuesday was my exchange with Elder Beck who is one of the greatest men I know. He absolutely shreds on guitar and piano. We had a blast teaching some fun people who really love America, haha. After the exchange, we had dinner with Clement Jaquier, his wife and a less active named Jean Vincent. It was a great dinner and we shared a solid spiritual thought. Wednesday, we saw a less active sister named Aurore. She is awesome and we taught her the ten commandments from the Book of Mormon. It is cool to realize how important the original ten commandments (if none others) really are in our lives. Then we spent a killer day in a ville called Versonnex. We biked there and I got electracuted by a cow fence when we stopped to take a picture. It was gnarly, you could see sparks coming off of the wire. My hand was numb for the rest of the night... Anyway, we scheduled three RDVs while we tracted over there. It was absolutely great. The next day was my exchange with the ZLs in spectacular LAUSANNE SWITZERLAND (look it up on line - it is beautiful). We had a blast and taught a lesson in the library. I probably heard more English/Italian/German in that City than French. I met some people from California and they were shocked that I could speak French and I was like, "yeah well I have been living here for about 2 years." The exchange went really well and Switzerland is beautiful.
So BIG NEWS. Yann from Bordeaux was baptized and confirmed this past weekend! WOHOO I am so happy right now. He is the man and it is such a great experience to see the answer to soo many prayers.
Charlie with Yann
ALSO Kevin from TOULOUSE was baptized as well!! I taught him
during the entire six months I was there. I am so happy for him as well. I talked to Elder
Mcbeth and Elder Miner about his baptism this morning. Missions are the best.
Charlie and Elders McBeth and Miner with Kevin
Also, I had an incredible experience yesterday. The Geneva Stake held its Stake Conference. There were a TON of people there. President Roney was there as well as
Elder Homer of the Seventy. It was a wonderful meeting. And during the Conference as I was
sitting with members in the way back. Suddenly, I was called up to speak in front of the
whole Stake. I bore my testimony about having an eternal perspective, I shared
from Alma 37 where Alma speak to his son Helaman and I told them about my feelings when my Mom passed away during my mission. President Roney told me afterwards that the whole building went
quite and the Spirit was so strong as I bore testimony of how Christ guided me
through that challenge. After the meeting, many people came up and hugged me. Also, an
African woman came up to me and got emotional and told me that the same thing is
happening to her right now and how grateful she was that I gave her an example of staying stong in my
faith. I also had another frere come up to me and say that the analogy that I used from Alma 37 (I compared the "small and simple things" to the
strokes of an artist painting a portrait) was the same analogy he used to
motivate his daughter to come to church. And he said that his daughter asked
him during my testimony how he had told me to say that, hahaha. He was very grateful. Also, Sister
Roney gave me cookies!! They leave in a month and the Clarks leave in a couple
of weeks..... I will miss them.You all rock, love you.